Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday, July 14

One of the outside doors broke off on the outside of the motor home and repairs had to be made before we could get on the road. Bill went out and started working and two neighboring campers came to help. After gathering tools and screws from various RVs the repair was complete and we were off to see the blast at Crazy Horse.

I don't know what I was expecting but a blast at Crazy Horse was something I definitely wanted to see. I was not alone! There were lots of people gathered outside the park to watch. A boom, a puff of dust, and it was over! We all got in our cars and left. That was it! I guess it gives me bragging rights that I witnessed a blast at Crazy Horse but it was over in seconds and was much lower on the mountain than I expected. Nobody even yelled "Fire in the hole!" that I could hear.

Anyway, we were off to Casper, Wyoming! We drove for miles and miles and miles with nothing but rolling grassland with an occasional herd of cattle grazing. We saw three trains all loaded with coal. I counted 135 cars in one of them! Very picturesque. I realized that I wanted to be out of here before winter set in when I saw miles of snow fence along the highway. There was one lone tree. Then in the distance the purple mountains appeared. How beautiful! Mindy couldn't be roused to witness the scenery. Notice the beautiful Indian blanket she is sleeping on? We got that last night just for her so she could sleep on the couch. At home she isn't allowed on the furniture but in the RV with the slide in there is no place else for her to go so she is loving this RV travel thing!

As we got closer to Casper I started calling campgrounds (all 4 of them!) and nobody had a space available. So here we are in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Bill insisted on going inside to ask if it was okay for us to stay here tonight. The manager said they don't mind at all but sometimes the police run everybody off. Great! That will make me sleep sound! Oh well, what is an adventure without some hardships. We'll go on tomorrow (or maybe the middle of the night) and I'll start calling for a space a bit earlier. Maybe that will help.

I thank everybody who reads this blog. It is fun to write it and I hope you are enjoying it too.

1 comment:

  1. We're loving it! Looks like everyone is having a great time. We miss you but are glad you are seeing the country and having fun doing it.
