Friday, July 17, 2009

A day in Yellowstone

I don't know how many times I can say the the day was full of amazing, beautiful sights without you getting tired of hearing it but today, our first in Yellowstone, was full of amazing sights. I have heard of the wonders of this place but couldn't really appreciate them until today.

We intended to see the southern part of the park today and then move north tomorrow and see that half but we are so tired tonight that we arranged to stay here another night and move on Sunday.

We stopped to see one geyser that was spewing but couldn't see it very well so we moved up (in the car) and as I took a great picture the wind caught the spray and blew it right into the car. It smelled like sulpher! It didn't take us long to move along to the next scene!

When we arrived at the Old Faithful sight there was a huge parking lot with buildings (and another being built) and a lot of people. We searched for a parking spot and finally found one and started over to the crowd. Just as I got close it blew! I didn't have time to scout the perfect place to photograph it but had to take what I could get as I ran closer and closer. The one with the unknown man in the middle was the geyser at its highest point (I think) but the one with the crowd in it is a better picture of Old Faithful. At least we didn't have to wait the 92 minutes till the next eruption. It was a wonderful thing to see!

One of the most beautiful was Firehole Spring. The color around it was wonderful and it would bubble a while then boil up then settle down again. Amazingly beautiful and there was a wood walkway close enough to get a really good look. Actually there were walkways everywhere but dogs aren't allowed on them so we didn't walk there. (I ventured out for a few pictures but didn't walk the miles and miles of wooden walkways.)

Janette asked the other day if we would cross the continental divide so when we passed the sign we took a picture. We crossed it 3 times (4 if you count the one we crossed twice).

We saw these two elk by the side of the road. One laying down in the background and one walking around. There were cars stopped on both sides of the road to see it. If there are cars stopped on the road there is sure to be something interesting to see. We saw buffalo and elk and I swear I saw two pelicans flying by! Do pelicans live around here ? Sure looked like pelicans to me. Didn't get a picture but that's my story and I'm sticking to it (until someone tells me that it couldn't have been pelicans.) There is so much water in massive lakes, streams and rivers that anything is possible.

Try to put my stories with the pictures again. I'm too tired to try to figure out how to do it right. I miss everyone and love you all dearly!

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