Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday morning

What a fabulous morning we had driving the needles highway and viewing Mt. Rushmore! I took tons of pictures and will try to put a few of the best here. The highway winds through the rockies and there are several tunnels that are one lane honk before entering! They are holes blasted right through the rock. Amazing!

I didn't realize that we would see Mt. Rushmore so far away. We stopped for me to take a picture through the trees to the valley below and Bill said "Do you see it?" I had already taken the picture when I actually saw the faces in the rock! I took several more as we got closer but driving the curvy, switchback road (OH FOR THE MIATA!) we only got occasional glimpses. When we got to the memorial there was a huge parking complex that cost $10. We paid and then saw the "No Pets" sign so Bill stayed in the Jeep and I ran up the many steps where I could get a better picture. Tons of people, bathrooms, bookstore and a path leading to an amphitheater that holds 2500 people! Didn't go that far. We really enjoyed it from further away. We could see it plainly with our new binoculars (we forgot our old ones at home...thank goodness for Wal-mart!)

Mindy found some little friends! Chipmonks in the rocks along the road. They were so cute I just had to take a picture. They weren't as ready to be friends with Mindy as she was with them. Oh well. Their loss.

This afternoon we go meet Rich at Crazy Horse. I'm charging the camera battery to be sure I'm prepared for more photo ops! I'll post about that tonight.

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