The drive today was beautiful! Miles and miles of pretty much nothing! Way more cows than people and acres and acres of hay all bailed for the winter. We will thankfully be gone by then.
We made it to Rush-N o-More! While Bill was signing in Mindy and I made friends with the owner who offered us an exclusive site in a new area but we decided we'd like to be in the thick of things. It's more crowded but closer to showers, laundry and office and we figured a lot of these folks will go home tomorrow and it will be less crowded. We plan to range out each day anyway to see the sights, all of which are easy drives from here. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Badlands, museums and multitudes of tourist traps are close by. I have loads of pamphlets given to me at the border by a very nice, helpful attendant at the welcome center and we will plan our trips to best advantage. It is exciting to be in a place we've heard about but never seen! Today is the 4th of July and I don't know what activities will take place...maybe not much...but we don't care. Maybe we can find "Independence Day" on tv! We're just happy to be here. It's cool (in more ways than one!)
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