Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Grand Tetons

This view of the Grand Teton (the highest peak in the Teton range) was taken from the car with just the zoom on my little camera. I thought it showed clearly how many peaks there really are. In the book we bought about the Tetons there is a picture of climbers on the ice heading for the top. It said peak climbing time is mid July to the end of September. We weren't even tempted but I thought of Clem. He would definitely be tempted and probably do it!

Mindy likes to see the views. There are so many scenic overlooks and pullouts to stop and look and photograph without blocking traffic. We stopped at most of them. Just couldn't get enough of the Tetons from different perspectives. They look different from different angles but they are beautiful from every angle.

It's a little hard to see in this picture but there is a lake between us and the mountains. This is Jackson Lake, the largest but there are 4 smaller lakes and many really small lakes all at the foot of the mountains. They are so serene and beautiful! There were lots of boats and canoes and that just made it prettier.

Mindy makes friends where ever we go! I think Bill likes her as a "chick magnet" although these particular chicks are a little young. She now knows the drill of getting in and out of the Jeep and loves looking out the back when the window is unzipped.


  1. Been there, done that! Climbed the Grand via the Direct Route (upper section) and had a blast. The view was well worth the effort.

  2. I should have known! Silly me, thought there may be one you hadn't climbed yet. I'll take your word for the view from the top.

  3. That's where I was when Unca Tom yelled to me to "come down from there!"

    Shortly afterward we met by chance in Jackson as I recognized George's Suburban and Streamline driving by.

  4. I thought Clem had climbed that. I saw the movie...
