Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday, July 15th

We survived the night in the parking lot just fine. Really it wasn't bad at all except for the lack of a shower this morning it wasn't so different than any other place and we had a bonus when we looked out the window this morning. There was a beautiful female moose grazing in the grass very close to us. I grabbed the camera and took several pictures. Isn't she beautiful!

We had breakfast and left Casper headed for the Grand Teton RV Park. We called last night and made reservations for 3 nights. We didn't think there would be many Wal-Marts here and we were longing for a shower that would last more than a couple of minutes.

There was construction on the mountain road that held us up but the scenery was so gorgeous we didn't mind sitting and looking at it a little extra. As the Tetons came into view we could see snow and the temperature dropped to 65 degrees! It's warmer in the park but I expect it will be quite cool tonight. The stay at the Wal-Mart wasn't in vain...we bought an extra blanket.

We will spend the next few days viewing the sights close by. Both Teton National Park and Yellowstone are close. I'm looking forward to it.


  1. Okay - I've finally joined this website. Thanks for keeping us informed and taking us along. Looks like you are having such a wonderful time !!!

  2. We've spent many a comfortable night in the Wal-Mart parking lot. The tricky thing is avoiding the noisy idling engines of the big trucks that also stay there.

  3. Why don't you have a good shower? Doesn't your RV have a hot water tank that's enough to take a shower with? If it's like ours, you'll have to use a little water to get wet, then soap up, then use a little more water to rinse off. Surely a big rig like yours can deal with such a thing!

  4. This thing's comment posting is a pain! If you type a comment that's too long it just gives you an "unable to post" error. Grrrr...
