Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Glacier National Park

The beautiful Glacier National Park presented mountains, glaciers, water falls and breathtaking scenes unlike any other mountains I ever saw. You'd think that mountains would look pretty much the same any place but they are all SO different! The hard part is deciding which pictures to show you, I took so many. This one was taken after it got rainy but shows the snow and height well. Every time we wet around a curve the change in the look of the mountains was striking.

As cold and barren as the mountains look when you drive into them there are the most beautiful wild flowers growing in every nook and cranny that has a bit of dirt. Red, purple, white and yellow flowers grow in abundance along the road and under the trees. I really love the flowers!

The waterfalls were from melting snow and fell forever, down the mountain, under the road and on down to a creek or river that continued on down the mountain. There were so many! There was one place called the weeping wall that was sheer black rock that looked like it was weeping because so much water was dripping down. You wonder how there could be any snow or glaciers left on the mountain with all that melting and falling.

This was a construction zone and all the cars lined up are waiting for a pilot car to lead them, single file, along the road and then it turns around and leads the other other side. The wait can be long be we were lucky and didn't have too long to wait.

We finally saw a mountain goat and she was right next to the road! I could almost have touched it from the car!! Mindy was in the back of the Jeep and never even barked. She just watched and waited for the next exciting sight.

Notice how blue/green the water is!! I was amazed by the color of the water in all the creeks and rivers running down the mountain. I finally found out why in the book we bought about the glaciers. As the glaciers move they grind rock into a fine powder called flour that actually stays suspended in the water and as they reflect and refract sunlight they impart a beautiful turquoise blue to the water. Amazing!