Our Bryce Canyon day turned out much different than we expected but was a wonderful day! We went into the Bryce Canyon National Park (thank goodness for the park pass which got us in free instead of paying another $25) but there were so many cars and people in the park that the rangers were blocking off overlooks because there wasn't room for any more cars. We made it into the main area but there was no place to park so I jumped out and took pictures (they are a little further down the page) and then we left the park for other adventures.

This picture is Devil's Garden. It was 15 miles down a dirt road. We engaged the 4 wheel drive so we had a little more traction on the washboard but it was dusty, rattly all the way! It was worth it to see this beautiful formation. If you look closely you can see Bill and Mindy at the base of the first formation (hopefully if you click the picture you can get a bigger version).

On the way we saw this stick fence. There were metal fence posts spaced out for stability but it looked so cool! I don't know what it is used for but there were cattle along the road also behind mostly stick fences. Where they got all those sticks is a mystery to me since there were no trees in sight except scrub bushes.
We left Devil's Garden and headed on down the dirt road toward "Hole in the Rock" which was another 40 miles. After about 15 or 20 miles of bone jarring, teeth chattering road which was getting worse every mile, we turned back. A hole in a rock just wasn't worth it! We were covered in dust by the time we got back to the highway. We decided we could visualize a hole in a rock and skip the actual experience!

Another side road into the mountains and we saw this beautiful deer or elk (we couldn't decide which it is). It posed for me to take many pictures of it. I think it was wondering what tourists were doing off the beaten path!

The spikes are called hoodoos and are formed by wind and water. They are so gorgeous and surprising! This picture was at Red Canyon before you get to Bryce. There were two short tunnels through the red rock we drove through. I wish I could put more pictures but you get the idea. Bryce is the main attraction but there are hoodoos and beautiful scenes all around!
The stripes are caused by a difference in the iron content. The redder the rock, the more iron and the whiter the rock the less iron. Alabama must be full of iron too!
This is one of the pictures at the overlook at Bryce Canyon. I took so many pictures and they are all beautiful. Now I'm wondering why I chose this one for the blog. It doesn't show how vast the red formations are in the canyon.
Tomorrow we will move South to Zion. They say it is different from Bryce but beautiful in a different way. I am in awe of our wonderful country and so grateful that I am seeing these wonders for myself.
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